Start a cause to support IDEA Nepal
IDEA Nepal is looking for small-scale fundraisers!
IDEA Nepal runs a Baalan shikshya kindergarten for children whose mothers were forced to marry as child brides. Both young mothers and children suffer from domestic violence, poverty, or physical disability. The center offers free and low-cost daycare allowing the young mothers to go back to school and run small home businesses to earn enough to live independently. IDEA Nepal sees the potential in investing in education and empowering young mothers and young girls in order to stop child marriage and give girls freedom. This kindergarten will grade up each year and run until high school to let young girls to be educated, empowered, and independent.
Rachana Sunar the founder of IDEA Nepal is an enthusiastic social activist defending human rights in Nepal. When Sunar was 15, she was forced into marriage, but she tricked her family and stopped her own child marriage. Since then she has actively led the campaign “Girls are Girls not Brides” to stop child marriage. She started her journey for social justice in 2013, and she has stopped more than 80 child marriages. Around 10,000 students have been trained by her to stop child marriage.
We are looking for individuals to start a small-scale fundraising for IDEA Nepal
IDEA Nepal is in need for funds for providing childcare for more children in their kindergarten. The kindergarten does not only offer a safe, educational space for marginalized kids, but also offers an opportunity for their mothers for attending school or work.
Would you like to help?
In March 2020, the new fundraising act came into force. The new act allows small-scale fundraising, meaning that group of minimum of 3 persons (Finnish citizens) are able to arrange a money collecting twice per year, each collection can be worth of EUR10,000 max.
This brings a lot of new opportunities for individuals willing to roll up their sleeves and make an impact. We Encourage is here to help those looking for ways to help. With our fundraising platform we make it easy for small-scale fundraisers to create a cause and kick start their fundraising.